2013년 4월 15일 월요일

Party for Cambodian children

My brother, Ros Sarun, held the party for the local children who have been learning English in Takeo, Cambodia. They are the future and hope of Cambodia. They need Education. That's why we are going there annually to work together. 

2013년 4월 10일 수요일

Why is it important to support the education sector in Cambodia?

According to Cambodia's constitution, all Cambodians are entitled to 9-years of basic education.  However, few Cambodians complete the basic education. The obstacles include low levels of student attendance in rural areas, underpaid teachers and shortage of qualified teachers. The resources in the schools are inadequate and the large number of students results in cramped school premises. Travel time to school is also long for many children.
 The quality of education in Cambodia is low. The lack of relevant training and the low quality of education is a major barrier to sustainable economic growth. Access to basic and higher education is crucial to young people's development opportunities and to poverty reduction in general in Cambodia.